
But Jesus called the children to him and said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of God belongs to such as these. Truly I tell you, anyone who will not receive the kingdom of God like a little child will never enter it.” ~ Luke 18:16-17

Infant and Toddler

Starting at 6 weeks

We strive to provide continuity of care which means that the child and family have a limited number of caregivers throughout their day as well as their time in our infant and toddler program. This provides the child with the social and emotional stability needed for optimal growth and development.

A day in our infant and toddler program consists of singing, reading books, hands-on play, social interactions and spending as much time outside as we can.


Available for ages 3 - 5

Part time and full time care is available for our preschool-aged kids or there is the option to only attend for a more tradition, morning only preschool program.

Our preschool program includes socialization, school readiness, process art, music & movement, small and large muscle activities and lots of outdoor play! If it can be done inside, it can (and will) be done outside!

We encourage children to take calculated risks as it promotes body awareness, perseverance and positive self-esteem. Research shows that children who have learned how to navigate risks when they are young have a willingness and ability to take “academic risks” and learn when they get to school.


Kindergarten - Third Grade

We know that the children coming to our program do not need an extension of their school experience. They need a chance to relax, to be themselves, and to choose what they want to do. Science, creative art, building, reading, writing, dramatic play, board games as well as outside play are offered daily.

School-age is offered before and after school during the school year. A school bus drops off and picks up the children at Annie’s Ark. We are open on half-days and during school vacations. A full-day program is offered for schoolagers over summer break during July-August.


General Eligibility

Children must be in general good health as certified by their physician in order to be accepted in any Ark program.

Annie's Ark, Inc. does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, sex, national origin or economic status. Any child with a handicapping condition or other special needs will be accepted into the program providing their condition does not necessitate additional personnel or financial burden.

Application Process and Fees

Each family is required to complete an enrollment package which includes a rate agreement, immunization verification, registration form, medical history and registration fee. Each child and parent will be required to visit the Ark before attendance begins.


Tuition is based on the program attended. We operate on a set tuition system.

A set tuition guarantees you a professionally staffed and financially sound center to care for your child.

Children are also accepted through the Department of Social Services Income Eligible Program.